Thursday, 26 January 2012

Facebook Page is now Functional!
     I have just created a new Facebook page to use sort of as an online resume/ professional page. This didn't come without the usual headaches that materialize EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to do something new on the internet. But here it is, in all its amateur glory:
      I have to admit I never thought of using a social media site for professional development like this, but it turns out I have now given potential employers an easy way to view my credentials and relevant skills and experience. I am still a little hesitant though, and the address and phone number are both fake. Any one can go on Facebook and see this page, and I don't think its a great idea to make information like this public. The same goes for my references, I don't want to compromise their privacy so I stated that these phone numbers are available upon request only.
     Paranoia aside, I think this will be wonderful to use when searching for a career after I'm done school. Even for summer employment this year. It is an efficient way to get my information out there to anyone who wants it. Instead of sending in a resume, I could simply send employers a link to this webpage! Saving paper too. One of my classmates in ALES 204 has the right idea as well ( ).  Also, if I happen to start my own business, this is an exceptional way to advertise my services and provide customers will all the relevant information. I know a great deal of people that are currently using Facebook to advertise their services.
     I found out as well that this is not a new concept, so many people are using social media sites professionally now. I found an article online talking about all the different way to use Facebook in particular for professional development ( ). Making information available in this way is sure to catch on fast, and I imagine it will become more and more popular as a way of professionally "putting yourself out there."
     Here is a link, if you're interested!


  1. Your professional facebook page looks awesome! I love the picture :) I think it's really smart that you kept some things private, like your phone numbers, because with the internet it's never safe to assume that information like that won't fall into the wrong hands! I feel the same way in the sense that I never saw facebook as a professional medium either! But I checked out the article you listed (different ways to use Facebook professionally) and it has some great tips and ideas! Thanks for posting that! I definitely feel that ALES 204 is helping me shape a different attitude towards social media.

  2. I agree with what you said regarding privacy issues. The great thing about putting your resume online is that all potential employers can see your credentials but so can everyone else. Maybe to balance this, an email address can be included with a statement like please email for further contact information. This gives employers the opportunity to contact you but keeps more personal information such as phone number and address safe.

  3. Even though having a professional Facebook page can be extremely beneficial when future employers google you, I completely agree with the privacy issues faced when posting a resume on Facebook. I am hesitant posting my phone number, address and email address on the profile as well. You have to be able to find the "happy medium" where you have enough information that an employer would be impressed, yet not too much where your privacy is compromised.

  4. I agree with what you posted about privacy issues. I'm an introvert but I would use Facebook to help put my resume or CV out on the internet. As future employees, our information needs to be made readily available to as many employers as possible. Your professional Facebook page is very well done (and you have some impressive achievements!)
